STS Non-Disclosure
Valid until canceled
This Course is Required for All Legacy MPG STS Holders wishing to have us administer an STS Program on this portal.
After much thought and planning, we are proud to launch our first course item within this blog that introduces the most powerful, industry-leading Asset Privacy and Asset Protection program available anywhere at any price. It is called the Specialized Trust Strategy and is now available exclusively from Trilogy Promotions Inc. | AssetPro.
As a new client of AssetPro, you may have purchased your original trust package directly from Michael Clark or another one of his North American independent consultants like us. As a result of his untimely passing in 2017, you are now in need of a replacement Executive Trustee and an agent of record.
In order for us to accept you on as a client and to act as your Executive Trustee in place of the deceased Michael Clark, you need to first prove to us that you are an STS Program holder already.
This will be done by providing us with several key documents from your binders that need to be scanned or pictured, and then uploaded to our platform using a shared link that will be provided to you. You will also need to pay the STS Program Non-Disclosure Process setup and administration fee which not only covers our costs to process your documents, but also weeds out those pretend clients or spies who may be looking to learn more about the program than they are authorized to do without an STS package.
Please click the enroll button below to subscribe to the modest one-time admin fee and then complete the rest of the steps shown therein.