This Course is a Required Annual Subscription for All STS Holders and Includes your Annual Trustee Fees
Once you have activated and properly set up the STS Program, the appointed Trustees now have the fiduciary responsibility to manage and administer the Trust assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries, the certificate holders. One of the key protective features and privacy aspects of the STS program is the appointment of the non-voting executive trustee who is the public-facing representative of the trust who acts only at the behest of the board of trustees and maintains the privacy of the board, the contractors, the certificate holders, the managers, the administrators, the assets, and all the details of the trust itself. This course fee pays the annual executive trustee's representation service fee which means the course material is essentially free!
Regardless of who the appointed voting and non-voting Trustees may be now or in the future, they will require ongoing teaching and training on how to manage the Contract Trust, which is really a property management business managed by trustees. They must stay current on the latest administrative forms, legal case precedents, statutory and non-statutory changes, tax laws, and much more. In the past, clients relied on cumbersome email, weekly call-in shows, and live seminar events to ask questions and gather information. Response delays, junk mail filters, incomplete information, and agent illnesses are possible weaknesses that can frustrate trustees in effectively executing their duties. Thankfully, that old way of learning from and relying on SME's (subject matter experts) is now a thing of the past. Technology has made self-paced learning possible 24/7/365.
Since 2013, we have been registered representatives of the STS Program through our brokerage provider in Canada and directly through Masters Protection Group in the USA, and have worked diligently with Michael Clark to learn the details of this strategy to help clients activate and manage their programs. We were frequently mentioned on his weekly Talkshoe call in show every Monday night and he often endorsed us as knowing the program as well as anyone. We were actively developing this course material prior to his unexpected passing and never got to show him the final product or release it to the entire client base. We hope to further his legacy using 21st century teaching and education technology.
This course is intended to offer STS Program clients an online virtual learning platform that evolves over time with the latest updates, techniques, and procedures that Trustees, managers, and administrators will need to manage their assigned roles within the Trust.
Over time, we aim to add content from SME's that will offer other helpful specialized knowledge such as bookkeeping, tax planning, tax strategies, accounting services, investment opportunities, banking, and loan advice, and much more.
Clients will have an online intake form they can use to submit questions, comments, and concerns, as well as to share success stories about what may have worked for them. Other Trustees, managers, or administrators will be able to subscribe to this platform (with proof of such role assignment), search a database of commonly asked questions, and find virtual answers complete with audio, video, PDF examples, links, or other relevant attachments. Using this state-of-the-art multimedia learning platform, Trustees and their successors will enjoy continual lifetime access to the latest materials with their monthly subscriptions.
One of the major concerns and challenges that prompted the creation of this school was the impaired ability of the STS provider to keep up with the volume of demand and learning requirements of the many STS clients. By leveraging modern technology, we hope to empower all Trustees to learn at their own pace, and to transition their duties seamlessly to their successor trustees upon death or incapacity. When required, we will be available for direct consultation for an additional fee.
Many Trustees have worried that the death, incapacity, resignation, or insolvency of the previously appointed non-voting Trustee, Trust Services, or the registered agent might imperil their STS program. Rest assured it will not. Although it would not cause the dissolution of their STS Program, it can and has caused disruptions in the effective management and maintenance of the LLC for the many STS programs already in existence. We are designing this program to solve that issue. It will outlive all concerned parties barring the shutdown of this learning platform, in which case, an alternate provider would be chosen, and the contents migrated over to it instead. We will train and transition other administrators to take over from us in the case of our demise so that clients never again need worry about a lack of support or access to past learning material.
Included with your subscription will be 3 hours of FREE telephone consultation per year. Additional consulting time can be purchased at only $25 per 15 minutes. Unlimited advice is available with the VIP Service subscription option as described in the course curriculum.
Finally, we are making ourselves available to act as non-voting trustees for all clients whose past Trustees are deceased, incapacitated, resigned, or no longer available. Further, we are investigating options in both Canada and the USA for establishing registered third party-agents who can act for the Trusts and LLC's. Once that option is available, it will be included in this course.
Remember, the STS Program is only as good as the paper it was written on so proper Set-up, Activation, and ongoing Management and Maintenance is essential for "Total Asset Privacy & Impenetrable Asset Protection". Do it right the first time and your heirs will thank you.
Enroll now to help support this virtual learning platform and the ongoing creation of content that will assist Trustees, managers, and administrators in the effective ongoing administration of the STS Program.
In The Rockefeller File, it states that
"the key to the system is to OWN nothing, but CONTROL everything!"
"pg 6: The key to this system is giving up ownership but retaining control. For example, most people don't believe they really own something unless they retain title to it in their own name. The Rockefeller's know this is a big mistake. Often it is better to have your assets owned by a trust or a foundation - which you control - than to have them in your own name."
Isn't it time to Learn How to Manage Your Program?​
Take a browse through the course outline to see what will be offered. This lecture outline allows you a sneak peak prior to enrolling.
click the arrow to expand the window
We have several payment plan options to enroll in this course, and two currencies (CAD or USD), depending in which country you are currently residing.
To enroll in this course you must click the OPEN COURSE button to visit the main course landing page where you can REQUEST TO JOIN. Then you need to subscribe to a payment plan by choosing an option below. Once we have confirmed receipt of your enrollment fee, we will manually enroll you in this course within 24 hours.
Select the Plan level and your Country of Origin.
Note: Only the Gold Plan is currently available.
Use this pricing grid to pay in Canadian dollars.
NOTE: Our billing providers through this shopping cart allow us to chose only one currency based on our origin. Thus, US-based contractors will have their purchases converted to USD by their credit card company. Annual renewal fees will therefore vary when valued in USD.
If you prefer to pay your annual Gold Plan Trustee Fees in USD, then choose an option from above.
Annual & Monthly Plans are non-refundable and will renew automatically at the end of each subscription period until cancelled by you.

Great Value - Budget Monthly
STS Gold Monthly
Every month
STS Management & Maintenance Course
Valid until canceled
Same Gold Plan with Monthly Billing
ONLY $1.83 / day for Total Privacy & Protection
The Essential Program to Manage the STS Program as a Trustee
Replaces the Prior Trustee & Registered Agent Services
Pays AP Trust Services for Non-voting Executive Trustee Fees
3 hours of Annual Consultations and Letter Responses
Unlimited Access to our Online e-Learning Education Course
Complete Templates for Minute Orders, Agreements, & Letters
Legal Case Law and Precedents
Registrar Links and other Valuable Resources
Michael Clark's Talk Shoe Monday Night Call (6 year Archive)
Ongoing Lifetime Updates to our Reference Materials Library
LLC Registration and Revival
Registered Agent Set-up
Telephone, email, SMS, Video Chat Support
Free Access to Special Webinars
Create a User Profile on Asset Pro
Lifetime Access with Auto-Renewal
Our Private Contact Details
Free Software Utilities

Best Value - Saves $260/yr
STS Gold Annual
Every year
STS Management & Maintenance Course
Valid until canceled
Saves $200 CAD when Billed Annually
ONLY $1.10 / day for Total Privacy & Protection
The Essential Program to Manage the STS Program as a Trustee
Replaces the Prior Trustee & Registered Agent Services
Pays AP Trust Services for Non-voting Executive Trustee Fees
3 hours of Annual Consultations and Letter Responses
Unlimited Access to our Online e-Learning Education Course
Complete Templates for Minute Orders, Agreements, & Letters
Legal Case Law and Precedents
Registrar Links and other Valuable Resources
Michael Clark's Talk Shoe Monday Night Call (6 year Archive)
Ongoing Lifetime Updates to our Reference Materials Library
LLC Registration and Revival
Registered Agent Set-up
Telephone, email, SMS, Video Chat Support
Free Access to Special Webinars
Create a User Profile on Asset Pro
Lifetime Access with Auto-Renewal
Our Private Contact Details
Free Software Utilities
Select an STS Course Subscription.
Note: Your fee will be billed in Canadian Dollars.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and ends every 12 months. However, your annual subscription renewal provides you with lifetime access and includes our annual executive trustee representation. It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as your subscription renews - across any and all devices you own. Your account cannot be shared with others and is for your exclusive use as you manage your Trust Program. We do recommend that the course be completed within 30 days of your first year, but you are free to refer back to the course at anytime you need, or to send your successor trustees to so they may learn how to continue managing your program after you are incapacitated or deceased.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 5 days and we will give you a full refund.