How your money can be taken from You Instantly just for sending out an email!

Up to $10 Million in fines in Canada!
If you own a business, or if you are on social media, be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID! Your government has introduced new anti-spam laws that could directly affect you and destroy your wealth in one flash.
That's right, your so-called "liberal" government can now fine you up to $1 million as an individual, and up to $10 Million as a business, simply for sending an email to someone who didn't opt-in or ask you to send it, or for posting a message to your Facebook or Linked-in friends lists.
How absurd but how True that your financial empire can be catastrophically taken from you for clicking on SEND!

However, a fine from CASL is like a fine from any statutory legal entity; they are merely creditors. If you protect your assets and the equity in your business, they can levy all the fines they wish but they will never be able to collect on them since your STS owns the equity and the intellectual property in your business. They could cause a lot of noise and hassle for you, but they can't take your money since you no longer own it. Using constitutional and contract law precedents, the STS operates completely outside the reach of asset predators, statutory and government agents, and all creditors.
FACT: Your business can be sued but the money inside it is totally protected. If regulators somehow force you to close your business down, you simply reopen under a new name (XYZ-2) and continue where you left off with a little rebranding. If you plan correctly, a new numbered corporation can simply be established and the business name (the intellectual property that is owned by the trust), can be "leased" back to the new operating company, and your customers would never know the difference.
Alternatively, the STS can open a separate US-based LLC email marketing company that assumes all liability for any marketing-related lawsuits filed against its client, your existing Canadian business. Since CASL can't enforce actions against foreign companies anyway, it is unlikely that any meaningful action would result. If it was, you pull out the contract with your STS marketing company absolving you of liability. They can chase it in the US and it will ignore the CASL request quite effectively. This strategy offers dual layers of protection against CASL threats.
New Canadian anti-spam laws could fine you up to:
Individual: $1 million
Business: $10 million
Imagine a worst-case scenario: your competitor sends spam email to a purchased list of names, some of whom might be your clients, and one of them files a complaint. You could be found liable for loss of income in the millions of dollars! The spoofed account appears to be sent from your company email and you get to spend thousands in legal fees proving otherwise. Unless you have the STS.
Soon, businesses and people will lose thousands in fines and settlements as a result of CASL. DON'T be a financial victim of a lawsuit caused by you or your competitors clicking on SEND.
Protect Yourself in advance with the STS program. Remember, if YOU don't OWN anything in your own name, then NOTHING can be taken from YOU. The STS program protects your financial equity. In lawsuits, businesses and their owners get sued, but their equity cannot be taken when protected within this strategy.
Learn the secrets of the ultra-rich and protect yourself with the same strategies they use every day.
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