Dog Bites and Attacks
How your money can be taken from You Instantly as a pet owner!

Dog owners are liable for all injuries or property damage!
If you are one of the hundreds of millions of dog owners in the world, you have a potential dangerous weapon on your hands.
Every year, thousands of innocent people are bitten by dogs, and many are seriously injured or disfigured by pets such as yours. Under dog-bite statutes, owners are liable for all injuries or property damage the dog causes. Increasingly, owners are being sued for devastatingly higher and higher injury claims as the courts take ever more harsh stances against negligent owners and impose life-altering fines against them. Victim compensation and restitution is becoming the norm in such dog bite cases.

FORBES magazine reports that the average insurance payout on dog bite claims in 2010 was $26,166.
Negligence laws make owners liable when someone is hurt as a result of the owner’s carelessness while controlling the dog. If you are deemed responsible for your dog’s bad behavior, you could end up footing the bill for someone else’s:
Medical bills
Lost wages
Pain and suffering
Property damage
Imagine a worst case scenario: your pet dog mauls the face or legs of a top model whose income is in the millions per year. You could be found liable for loss of income in the millions of dollars! Everyday, people lose thousands in fines and settlements as a result of dog bites. DON'T be a financial victim of a lawsuit caused by the actions of your family pet.
Protect Yourself in advance with the STS program. Remember, if YOU don't OWN anything in your own name, then NOTHING can be taken from YOU. The STS program protects your financial equity. In lawsuits, legal pet owners get sued, but their equity cannot be sued when protected within this strategy.
Learn the secrets of the ultra-rich and protect yourself with the same strategies they use every day.