How your money can be taken from You Instantly as a home owner!
Fires in the home, condo, or apartment; 3rd party damage!
The potential for causing a fire in your own living space is an ever-present danger that we all live with daily, usually without thinking about it.
Most of us don't worry about such a rare event because we are smart enough to buy adequate fire insurance coverage.
In fact, if you have a mortgage or if you rent, the choice to buy insurance is not optional.
Mortgage companies and landlords will require you to carry it to protect the underlying asset.
The potential for causing a fire in your own living space is an ever-present danger that we all live with daily, usually without thinking about it. Most of us don't worry about such a rare event because we are smart enough to buy adequate fire insurance coverage. In fact, if you have a mortgage or if you rent, the choice to buy insurance is not optional. Mortgage companies and landlords will require you to carry it to protect the underlying asset.
However, what we never think about is what happens in the event we are found negligent in causing a fire that damages neighboring property, or worse, kills someone else in a fire.
Here is a paragraph I noticed in passing that was written into my personal insurance renewal letter I recently received.
Do you need Umbrella Liability Insurance? What would happen if you were found negligent for causing a fire that spread to the neighbour’s residence? Your insurance company would cover your damages and the neighbour’s insurance would cover their own damages; however, the neighbour’s insurance company may subrogate against you for being personally responsible, which could result in millions of dollars (in liability damages). An Umbrella Liability Policy would provide coverage! The cost can be as low as $150 per year. Call us to discuss. We want to ensure you have the insurance coverage protection for all your needs.
Those who cause a fire that damages other property or injures / kills someone will likely lead to massive liability claims that can wipe them out financially.
There is a simple and ultra-affordable way to insulate and protect yourself from any and all lawsuits from any source. The wealthy never make a financial move without first protecting themselves. You MUST too, if you want to keep what you have.We utilize a Specialized Trust Strategy to protect your financial empire by holding it in a private trust that is self-owned, not linked to you in a way, but that you are the controlling trustee. This secret strategy of the Rockefeller family follows their principle of "OWN NOTHING; CONTROL EVERYTHING". If you don't own it, it can't be taken from you. Statutory programs with complex holdings companies and trusts, DO NOT offer impenetrable asset protection at any price. ALL such statutory programs can be ultimately pierced under the right circumstances. Don't get caught unprepared with the wrong program!
Protect yourself in advance with the STS program. Remember, if YOU don't OWN anything in your own name, then NOTHING can be taken from YOU. The STS program protects your financial equity. In lawsuits, negligent parties get sued, but their financial lives need not be destroyed by mere accidents. Protect yourself permanently with this strategy.
Learn the secrets of the ultra-rich and protect yourself with the same strategies they use every day.