Frivolous Lawsuits
How your Estate can be taken from you Instantly using the court system!

If you have money, assets, or a high profile, you are a target...
Asset predators, fraudulent actors, frivalous and deep pocket lawsuits can extort you to settle bogus claims as the cheapest and quickest option.
Asset predators are targeting seniors, business owners, and the wealthy by filing frivolous lawsuits with the aim of forcing cash settlements in lieu of legal defense fees.

You are guilty of nothing but get sued anyway!
Predators know how to use the legal to system to their advantage.
Business owners and the wealthy have money for a reason, and they know that time is money. Once you get on the radar of a greedy lawyer or plaintiff, and they know you have substantial assets, they can easily launch a lawsuit against you that has no merit or likelihood of success. Yet, they know that you must take time out of your business to respond and must go through a lawyer to do so. Often it is cheaper for the business owner to settle for a smaller amount than the legal costs would have entailed.
The attacker gets money out of you when you did nothing wrong!
Here is an example of how a scam might go.
Imagine this scenario: You receive an invoice for a service that was supposedly rendered to you or your business that you don't recognize, or you know to be false, so you toss the statement in the shredder as scam junk mail. A couple weeks later, a late notice arrives stating that you have 14 days to pay up or the bill could go be sent to collections. Again, you cuss, ignore it, and toss it in the bin. A second similar notice arrives 14 days later promising to send it to collections for non-payment. 3 weeks after that you receive a FINAL default notice demanding payment or it will be sent to collections. Once again, irritated at the audacity of the sender, you rip it up a final time.
The next thing you know you receive a default judgement notice from a process server and a bailiff arrives to seize some of your assets to pay for the uncontested debt! That's right. Since you failed to dispute the false invoice because your were too busy making money, the fraudster went to the judge seeking a default judgement for non-payment of the debt and ordered the bailiff to seize assets to pay for it!
Think this can't happen to you? Think again. Every day, judges render such decisions because the assumed debtor failed to respond at all to any of the fraudster's claims. In the eyes of the court, you must be a deadbeat debtor who has no intention of paying your bills. Surely, if you were innocent, you would have disputed the claim and least ONCE in writing, right?
This kind of frivolous lawsuit can happen to anyone at any time,
You protect yourself in advance with the STS program. The debts of the contractor, real or not, cannot be claimed against the trust assets.
Remember, if YOU don't OWN anything in your own name, then NOTHING can be taken from YOU. The STS program protects your financial interests.
Learn the secrets of the ultra-rich and protect yourself with the same strategies they use every day.