Parental Liability of Minors
How your money can be taken from You Instantly as a parent!

Parenting comes with significant costs AND risks associated with raising children!
For example, few parents realize how much risk they assume for the actions of minor children under their control.
Although your child may face little in the way of legal responsibility for their wrongdoing, as a parent, you bear much of the financial risks to compensate others for actions of your kids.
Parents are financially liable for their kid's wrongdoing.
Statutory laws make parents liable as a result of their children's actions since parents have a duty of care to control and educate their children on right and wrong.

If you are deemed responsible for your kid's bad behavior, you could end up footing the bill for numerous situations:
Car accidents caused by your kids in the family car (e.g. while drinking & driving)
Student loan debt of your kids
(Watch this video - Parents forced to pay deceased daughter’s student loans)
Vandalism and third-party property damage
Misc. childhood pranks
Imagine a worst case scenario: your kid borrows the family car, goes out partying with friends, drinks and drives, and causes a Car Accident that seriously injures someone. Your child and you gets sued for 12.5 Million and YOU must pay the bill. As legal guardian, YOU could be found liable for your kid's actions in the millions of dollars! Every day, people lose thousands in fines and settlements as a result of actions caused by their children. DON'T be a financial victim of a lawsuit caused by the actions of your children.
Protect Yourself in advance with the STS program. Remember, if YOU don't OWN anything in your own name, then NOTHING can be taken from YOU. The STS program protects your financial equity. In lawsuits, parents and guardians get sued, but their equity cannot be sued when protected within this strategy.
Learn the secrets of the ultra-rich and protect yourself with the same strategies they use every day.