Tax Liens
How your money can be taken from You Instantly by taxing authorities!

Even diligent of tax payers can be hit with a tax audit!
If you are one of the millions of taxpayers who have tax deducted at source, or who own property and pay your property taxes monthly with your mortgage, you may go your entire life not knowing what a tax lien is. However, even the most diligent of tax payers can be hit with a tax audit that disagrees with the tax figures reported on the tax return.
Many people submit their own tax returns using tax preparation software.
Others hire a tax preparer or accountant to complete their annual personal or business tax returns.
Regardless of how it is done and who prepares it, despite the most honest of intentions, the final obligation to file an accurate return ultimately rests with the taxpayer. But honest people make errors all the time.

At some point, everyone will likely be audited by the taxing authorities and will receive a notice that taxes were left unreported, were filed late, not reported correctly or completely, not received in time, or left unpaid by a bounced cheque. Your tax preparer can make a mistake and under-report tax owing. BUT YOU are on the hook for the error!
Penalties and interest can be substantial. Not to mention, the taxing authorities can be completely wrong in their calculation or interpretation of the tax laws. They can freeze assets, foreclose on property, garnishee wages up to 100%, intimidate and threaten, and make the taxpayer's life miserable while collecting the supposed debt.
Imagine this scenario: your accountant files your return incorrectly or late, and you leave the country for an extended vacation. Upon your return, you find numerous letters from the tax authorities informing you of late filed or unreported taxes. Your failure to respond initiates freezes of your personal and business accounts, and lengthy appeals processes using expensive lawyers to negotiate on your behalf to unfreeze assets so you can pay bills, such as the mortgage, which is now in foreclosure.
Every day, people are terrorized by the relentless collection agents of the private bankers working for the tax authorities. However, they are like any other creditor and must use due process to take what you own. Read Confessions of an IRS AGENT to learn from an insider what really goes on inside the leading collection agents in the land. DON'T be a financial victim of a tax lien legal assault. Get yourself in priority position and put the power of negotiation back in your hands.
Protect yourself in advance with the STS program. Remember, if YOU don't OWN anything in your own name, then NOTHING can be taken from YOU. The STS program protects your financial equity. In lawsuits, tax payers get sued, but their equity in a Trust cannot be taken when protected within this strategy.
Learn the secrets of the ultra-rich and protect yourself with the same strategies they use every day.