Real World Threats to YOUR Wealth
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A car accident occurs every 30 seconds. Injury claims are on the rise and can devastate your finances for a lifetime. Settlements Paraplegia: $4.2 million Quadriplegia: $12.5 million

The act of dying creates a mound of legal paperwork and tax filings leading to probate fees, estate taxes, and capital gains taxes. Your heirs can end up with pennies on the dollar.

There is 1 divorce every 13 seconds in North America! Divorce legal fees are very expensive, and families are left financially devastated in many cases. Average cost: $20,000 in legal fees!

A medical incident while traveling can devastate your finances for a lifetime. Settlements Out-of-country: $100,000 + are common

Asset predators are targeting seniors, business owners, and the wealthy by filing frivolous lawsuits with the aim of forcing cash settlements in lieu of legal defense fees.

You spend a lifetime building a business, you plan to leave it to your heirs, and they get to inherit a massive tax bill, probate fees, and legal fees that eat up the bulk of your estate's value. UNLESS, you are STS protected!

How do landlords insulate themselves from legal attacks? Landlords are the #1 sued profession!

If you own a business, or if you are on social media, be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID! Your government has introduced new anti-spam laws to fine you up to $1 million as an individual, and up to $10 Million as a business, for sending an email.

The IRS, CRA, and Property Tax Liens are key threats to protecting your wealth. Assets seizures, wage garnishees, and property foreclosures are used to extort money from citizens every day.

Don't let your family pet's unpredictable attack on someone cause financial devastation for your family. Average dog bite settlement: $26,166.

Slips, trips and falls at home or work can result in the property owner being sued for millions of dollars.

Fires in the home that injure or kill someone can result in financial catastrophe for property owners and landlords.

Business failures and lawsuits can wreak financial havoc for owners and directors of all sorts of corporations.

Underage kid's pranks and criminal activities can cause financial ruin and massive legal defense fees for parents.